FOSM President Mike Madden formed a small planning committee shortly after taking office in October 2020. This committee drafted a strategic plan that Mike briefed to the board of directors in June 2021.
The plan is a living document. The FY2022 plan will evolve from the original with the participation of the new board of directors.
Mike briefed the membership on the plan and our accomplishments in executing the plan during FY2021 during the general meeting in early October.
Origins of FY2021 FOSM Strategic Planning Committee
- With new blood in the two top offices of President and VP a year ago, what better time to improve an already great organization!
- Cliff (VP) was willing, and Lou had already expressed some ideas, so to balance the scales of two newbies and two greybeards, Sam joined in.
- We were the right mix and the right number.
- Letting the Holidays gracefully pass, our initial Zoom meeting was in Jan, and we met roughly monthly after that.

We arrived at the following four major goals:
- Strengthen our relationship with SRD leadership
- Broaden our community outreach (next generation members & stewards) education and development
- Develop close relationships with other organizations and agencies
- Improve FOSM infrastructure to facilitate mission accomplishment
First Goal: Strengthen our relationship with SRD leadership
- For us to be most effective on the District, we need a strong partnership with SRD leadership.
- Sam and I can call or email Crystal, Julie, Antonio, Kerry, or Russell and get a quick response.
- It is understood that any special weekly project need requires advanced notice and planning.
- Going forward: redefine and strengthen the Adopt-A-Trails program.
Second Goal: Broaden our community outreach (next-generation members & stewards) education and development
- We partnered with Sandia Nordic Ski Club on eight Saturdays as an opportunity for our younger working membership to volunteer.
- We scheduled an outing with ABQ Digital Arts and Technology Academy.
- We had Talking Talons youth participate with our weekly crews.
- Going forward: Talking Talons, DATA, RMYC, SWCC, Boy Scouts, Kids in the Woods, FS ABQ Service Center, Army Recruiters, SMNHC, Carlito Springs, REI, Jr. Ranger Program, Donation wood. Also use social media- Facebook, etc.
Third Goal: Develop close relationships with other organizations and agencies
- In an effort to develop partnerships, we’ve had other organizations present at our monthly meetings, and will continue to do so going forward.
- Going forward: user groups- Sandia Nordic, AMBA, 505 Cycling, NMCCSC, Backcountry Horsemen, OHV; volunteer orgs- NMVFO, NMWild, AWF, TCWC, TNC, Sandia Collaborative; agencies- City OS, BernCo OS, BLM
Fourth Goal: Improve FOSM infrastructure to facilitate mission accomplishment
- Thanks to Cliff, we are Zoom savvy, conducting all monthly general meetings and Board meetings this year on Zoom; and have only just begun to enhance our website with photos and bios of the current and past Officers & Board Members, feature our new 15-minute video, Sam Beard and Bob Lowderrecognitions, FOSM 2018 National Award for Enduring Service, PayPal/credit card option for dues and donations, weekly project activity descriptions, and much more.
- Going forward: develop recognition criteria and process for departing valued members.