Photo credit: Sally Lowder

Photo credit: Bob Galloway
Who are we?
Friends of the Sandia Mountains (incorporated as New Mexico Friends of the Forest) is a (501)(c)(3) non-profit organization of local volunteers dedicated to working in partnership with the United States Forest Service, other groups and individuals to maintain, protect and restore the natural, cultural and scenic resources of forest lands for the enjoyment and wise use of present and future generations. Our focus is conservation and education within the Sandia Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest and adjacent lands.
What do we do?
- Conservation
- Wildlife and Habitat Monitoring
- Trail Construction / Maintenance
- Learning by Doing
- Visitor Services
- Fundraising
Who are we not?
Friends of the Sandia Mountains is not a political activist organization. We are a service-oriented group of volunteers dedicated to working in a close relationship with our US Forest Service partners.

What have we done?
Read our annual newsletters to see a summary of our project activities over the years. Lots of photographs are included.
Want to learn more about us?

Photo credit: Sam Beard

Photo credit: Sam Beard

Have slides, will travel! – We love telling other organizations about FOSM. In the past couple of years we have done so for the Golden Eagles Association, residents of Coronado Villa, and the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club.
Contact [email protected] if interested.
If you enjoy the outdoors in general and the Sandia Mountains in particular and would like to give something back, there is a place for you in the Friends of the Sandia Mountains!