Betsy and Bob Galloway were the perfect team leading the Cienega/Armijo Trails Improvement Project (CATIP): Bob as project leader until mid-2021 and Betsy taking the photographs for his detailed project reports, which almost always included a photo or two Betsy took of the unique environment in which they were working resulting in reports that were educational as well as informative. Be prepared for a botany lesson.
Betsy says, “Bob and I really enjoyed working on the trail reports together. After reviewing and selecting which pictures to use, we consulted Wildflowers of the Northern and Central Mountains of New Mexico by Larry Littlefield and Pearl Burns for identification. (Neither one of us could be considered a botanist!)”
Photo captions provide the date of the photo (YYYYMMDD), the trail being worked on (if named in the report), and a description of the plant, animal, or other item of interest Betsy photographed. (If you don’t see captions at bottom of photos, check the popup-blocker setting on your browser.) Full-resolution files can be found here.