FOSM partners with Troop 9 of Scouting America to buck, split, and haul firewood for donation to the Mountain Christian Church Wood Ministry.
July 15, 2023 – Scout Troop 9 and Dads Help FOSM Process Firewood

Four scouts and three dads from Troop 9 helped process donation wood in the Capulin Picnic Area. The original plan was to move wood from 9-Mile Picnic Area, but the contractor renovating the site did not change the lock on the gate as promised.
As appropriate for working with a scout troop, Sam Beard and Lou Romero were prepared with Plan B. The scouts first loaded wood that previously had been bucked into one-foot rounds in the upper snow play area of Capulin PA while Sam and Michael Arndt bucked a previously felled white fir in the lower area. After finishing their work in the upper area, the scouts rolled the newly bucked rounds down a hill where their dads loaded them into Chris Weil’s trailer for hauling to the Mountain View Christian Church wood lot.
The scouts accompanied the trailer to the wood lot where they spent the rest of the morning stacking previously dumped piles of split wood to better organize the lot for truck and trailer access and egress.
Project Leader Lou Romero’s report of the event can be read here.
Click on any photo below to enlarge it for a better view.

September 10, 2022 – Scout Troop 9 and Other Youth Help FOSM Split Firewood
Four FOSM volunteers, six Boy Scouts from Troop 9, four other youths, and six parents worked on a project in lower Capulin Picnic Area to buck, split, and haul fire wood for donation to the Mountain Christian Church Wood Ministry. One of the parents, Chris Weil, was Lou’s contact with the Scout Troop. At 9 am all the participants signed the JHA form in the picnic area parking lot, and hard hats were handed out. The group then moved down to the area near the restroom.
The FOSM members were Sam Beard, Jerry Carroll, Michael Arndt, and Lou Romero. Lou managed the project, Jerry and Michael bucked down trees, and Sam organized the movement of the rounds from the field to the splitter. All ten youths rolled or carried rounds to the splitter where the parents helped with the splitting and loading Chris Weil’s large dump trailer.
The project bucking and splitting began at the restroom level. Most of the two down trees above the road had disappeared, but several rounds were bucked and taken to the splitter. Jerry then bucked the tall fir that he felled a few weeks earlier, and all these rounds were moved, split, and loaded. The trailer was not full; therefore, the splitter was moved up the road to a location just below the gate. Jerry and Michael bucked two logs below the road, and the youths moved the rounds up to the road where they were split and loaded on the trailer. The full trailer contained 1.5 cords of split wood.
Lou led the truck and trailer and the youths and parents to the Mountain Christian Church woodlot to watch the trailer dump the load of wood. The group concluded the project by forming a circle and reciting the Boy Scout Law.
Project co-leaders, Lou and Sam, were very satisfied with the accomplishments and the overall success of the project. All ten youths eagerly participated in moving the rounds to the splitter and in loading the trailer.